Latest PIVX Medium

Privacy is Normal, Don’t Let Anyone Tell You Differently.

Privacy is Normal, Don’t Let Anyone Tell You Differently.

At PIVX, we champion privacy and the freedom to keep your finances private. In a world where governments and banks are increasingly encroaching on our privacy, PIVX stands firm in its belief that privacy is a fundamental right.

Amidst growing concerns about governments overreaching and financial institutions aiming to regulate cryptocurrencies, PIVX remains committed to protecting individual liberties. While others argue that privacy must be sacrificed for national security or regulation, PIVX understands that privacy should be the norm, not the exception.

By utilizing advanced cryptographic techniques, including the SHIELD zk-SNARKs privacy protocol, PIVX enables users to conduct secure and anonymous transactions. It ensures that your sensitive financial information remains confidential, providing a higher level of privacy compared to traditional digital transactions. Unlike transactions conducted through banks or other centralized financial systems, where personal information and transaction details are recorded and accessible to authorized parties, PIVX empowers individuals with the freedom to keep their financial activities private.

Privacy is under threat in today’s world, but PIVX serves as a reminder that it’s a fundamental human right. Embrace PIVX to exercise your right to financial privacy, free from unnecessary surveillance and control.

Don’t let anyone tell you that privacy isn’t normal — PIVX believes otherwise.

Find more about PIVX here:

Privacy is Normal, Don’t Let Anyone Tell You Differently. was originally published in PIVX on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

A PIVX Paladin Education Series: PIVX, Total Privacy When You Want It.

A PIVX Paladin Education Series: PIVX, Total Privacy When You Want It.

PIVX SHIELD provides complete transaction protection, preserving privacy by hiding financial information. And it achieves this with zero preparation time. This is all made possible through PIVX’s innovative use of Zero Knowledge Proofs. With SHIELD, you have the flexibility to transact while maintaining complete privacy.

Want to learn more? The PIVX Paladin Education Series is a good place to start.

Video 1:
Video 2:
Video 3:

PIVX. Your Rights. Your Privacy. Your Choice.
Unlock the Power of Digital Cash, with Optional Privacy & Complete Control of Your Funds.
Visit us today at, join our community at

A PIVX Paladin Education Series: PIVX, Total Privacy When You Want It. was originally published in PIVX on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

PIVX is excited to announce that our YouTube channel is now active again!

PIVX YouTube is Back and Better Than Ever!
See how PIVX Marketing has revamped the YouTube channel with new content such as the PIVX Paladin education series, and more.

Until Next Time, Keep it Purple People!

PIVX is excited to announce that our YouTube channel is now active again! was originally published in PIVX on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

PIVX Perspectives Spotlight Shines on Hans Koning, DAO Specialist and PIVX advisor.

1-Please tell us a little bit about yourself.

Am not shy or modest, but honestly feel anything related to blockchain, decentralization and DAOs is not about an individual, least of all me. But can best be described as literally one of the dinosaurs of the ecosystem. Have an interest in almost anything I don’t understand which is probably how I got into blockchain! Apart from new technology I love (random order) travelling, company of friends and family, food, something to wash the food down with, art, politics, economy, society and sports. A moment of happiness is when coming home after a trip crashing on the couch with a cheese sandwich.

2- When and why did you get into cryptocurrency?

This is a bit of a fluid answer I have noticed, and can change depending on setting. Guess we all like to think we were part of the “smart few” who joined early. Reminds me a bit of when people speak about epic events and stuff: 10 million people claim to have attended Woodstock, yet only 10,000 actually did…. So, there’s that! Anyway, my interested started when Bitcoin tipped $ 100 and thought, well there must be something in it. The actually journey of reading up on blockchain, decentralization and thinking of the wider implications started in 2015. Think the ICO boom of 2017 made me first question and challenge the crypto community and started to make me the decentralization and privacy advocate I am today.

3- Why the interest in DAOs?

For me blockchain has always been much, much more than a technology. I always see it as a social fabric, a new way on organizing and managing cooperation. That cooperation I see in a wide context: between organizations, people, computers and a mixture thereof. In a way you could say that after launching the blockchain, the chain will look after itself. People not so much as history shows us regularly. To me the DAO is the core of that cooperation, there where the social aspect of the project comes alive. Perhaps better said as there where community demand meets community supply. And that social aspect can be anything really: cooperation, participation, engagement, involvement in any shape or form YOU choose, be it active, passive, one-off, continuous. That this is possible I find extraordinary, and something that is really missed in today’s society. Say you are really passionate about a specific topic. To express that you need to get involved in an NGO, special interest group, political movement etc. That is a massive hurdle, and assuming you can take that hurdle it is questionable if you can actually voice your thoughts and provide input. And, literally, at what cost? That is where the DAO distinguishes itself, as it provides a vehicle that is permissionless in many, many ways. My passion is to ensure we keep this part of blockchain not only alive but also make sure we develop it into something that meets and suits demand of the ecosystem now and in the future.

4- Hans, could you share some insights into how PIVX has embraced the DAO model and how it has impacted the project’s governance and decision-making processes?

To me the crux of a project is how and when decentralization is embraced. Very important to me is that it is not an afterthought, but has been put centre stage from inception. That is something we see in Bitcoin — still a great standard — but luckily also in many other projects, PIVX included. Personally I also believe an important component of a true DAO is to not try to invent the wheel all over again, and to not make it depending on specific people. That is also something PIVX has embraced, and by doing so set a new standard in the ecosystem. An important part of a DAO is governance and specifically its decision making process. That is a bit of an Achilles heel for many projects. Who can vote, who can table an idea, where comes the funding from? In PIVX everyone can develop a proposal, and that is being voted on by the masternode holders. That is in my view still an issue, as I would love to lower that barrier and be able to include an even wider community to decision making. The “1 Coin 1 Vote” system which PIVX uses a variance of is flawed in that sense, but also seems to be what we have for the moment. To me the low key approach and the wide accessibility of the DAO is what keeps me involved.

5 — What are some notable features or characteristics of PIVX as a DAO that sets it apart from other cryptocurrency projects?

The route PIVX has chosen — community designed governance — is very close to my heart, and again industry leading. PIVX was very lucky to have really smart people making really smart decision when created. In case you are wondering, no, that wasn’t me: I wish! Community designed governance (CDG) is a decentralized form of governance, where decisions that affect the blockchain and the community are made in a decentralized way. That means anyone can make a proposal, express their thoughts, check the validity and necessity of a proposal making everyone a stakeholder if you choose to be one. But although we sometimes thing governance equals decision making, CDG is much more than decision making. It is a way in where values, beliefs and thoughts come together. Perhaps it can be described as that what gives a face to PIVX. In the simplest terms to me the most notable feature it is Proof of Community.

6- How has PIVX leveraged the DAO structure to foster community involvement and ownership?

The already mentioned community aspect of governance combined with the funding structure of PIVX creates an environment that allows wide participation. That is a crucial condition for any project I would say, and often overlooked. Compare this to the corporate world where a company says the customer is key but there is no way to contact them if I want. The infrastructure, the environment needs to be okay first and foremost. PIVX has done that from the onset. Another important component is collectivism: we are all in this because we value decentralization, privacy and feel an alternative tool is needed to facilitate transactions. That collectiveness is a strength for PIVX and is also reflected in the DAO. How else can you have a project operating so successfully by community that is geographically dispersed, often doesn’t each other’s real names, or has ever met each other in person for so many years? That is Proof of Community in actions.

7 -Given your respective interests and expertise in blockchain, decentralization, and governance, what initially sparked your interest in DAOs and why do you believe they hold significant importance in the evolution of the crypto industry and beyond?

The DAO isn’t only the face of the project it is also the heart and soul of it. And the DAO needs to be treated as your body: use it or lose it! That sounds like a cheap one-liner, but that is far from my intention. The Proof of Community aspect is something I value, cherish and want to protect and preserve. That combined with my strong personal belief that blockchain is much more than technology alone made me and keeps me involved. I believe that today’s world and society — perhaps better said our way of cooperation, including the current state of democracy — needs a new, fresh approach. Going back to basic way of cooperating, just you and I, peer to peer, making and living by decentralization, only organizing there where it makes sense, is probably something we could use. The good old coop for instance has addressed and successfully resolved many societal issues in the past like housing, financial inclusion and independence and labor issues. It is in that sense also good to realize decentralization isn’t a new and revolutionary movement but is a useful and proven concept combined with technology. That is exciting, and I want to be part of that.

PIVX Perspectives Spotlight Shines on Hans Koning, DAO Specialist and PIVX advisor. was originally published in PIVX on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

PIVX Perspectives Spotlight Shines on Cryptosi, DAO Specialist.

Please tell us a little bit about yourself.

I’m Cryptosi, from the UK, been in Crypto since 2012 mostly interested in DAOs, Privacy and NFTs. Away from Crypto I’m a huge Arsenal FC fan and enjoy spending endless hours playing video games.

When and why did you get into cryptocurrency?

Got into crypto currency in 2012, came across it while delving into different apps on linux and the power of open source software I was looking into the most popular open source projects and I found Bitcoin as one of them, marrying the power of decentralisation with the importance of money was a no brainer and I was immediately hooked.

Why the interest in DAOs?

My interest in DAOs formed after the split of PIVX from Dash, I was sure Dash had come to the right decision by prioritising regulatory fears over privacy, but I was frustrated that none of the coin holders were polled infact there still is not any proper ways to poll stakeholders within a network, I’m fascinated by the concepts and opportunities around finding concensus in private and decentralised networks and applications.

CryptoSi could you share some insights into how PIVX has embraced the DAO model and how it has impacted the project’s governance and decision-making processes?

PIVX is unique in that its one of the few DAOs in the industry which is truly DAO led, especially now that there is not 1 recognized CORE team. The DAO is self sufficient and has been funding it’s own development for years. There have been some amazing progressions within the DAO itself such as the alliances protocol which remains the only Decentralised partnerships protocol in the world. There is still plenty of work to be done improving the voting model, factors such as one coin one vote and masternode only voting need to be addressed.

What are some notable features or characteristics of PIVX as a DAO that sets it apart from other cryptocurrency projects?

The main notable characteristic is the community, as the coin is so well aged the community all have plenty of experience working within a DAO, this means that drama around proposals is thinning out and people are finding ways to identify their common interests and overcome their differences, this is also allowing people who wouldnt usually be found in cutting edge tech startups to thrive, regardless of nationality, age or political leaning, everyone is seemingly gettin a fair crack of the whip within pivx.

How has PIVX leveraged the DAO structure to foster community involvement and ownership?

PIVX uses the DAO structure to incentivise engagement from various corners of the globe by funding marketing initiatives and tutorials by people from all over the world, in the past PIVX had a huge translations team and ambassador program which was very successful in fostering grass roots engagement and getting people to bring PIVX into their local communities, this is super evident within the Latam and portuguese communities.

Given your respective interests and expertise in blockchain, decentralization, and governance, what initially sparked your interest in DAOs and why do you believe they hold significant importance in the evolution of the crypto industry and beyond?

DAOs are the best way to harness the collective experience and intelligence of the community or the crowd, but also and possibly more importantly they allow a clean and open way to identify stars and mavericks and promote them to powerful positions within the organisation regardless of their so-called ‘experience’, ‘professionalism’ and sometimes purely on their merit.

Many thanks to Cryptosi for sitting down with leacymck for this interview.

To learn more about Cryptosi, an awesome former member of PIVX, founder of and co-founder of Smartreach1, please find him on Twitter at Crypto_SI

PIVX Perspectives Spotlight Shines on Cryptosi, DAO Specialist. was originally published in PIVX on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

PIVX: Engineered for Sustainable Economics

Long-Term sustainable Balance Between Inflation and Deflation.

PIVX’s monetary policy was designed to maintain a sustainable balance between inflation and deflation. This maximizes network security and supports a scalable, decentralized, and resilient node infrastructure. Allows for instant, shielded transactions globally.

Low Barrier to Entry
With low hardware costs, anyone can participate in securing the PIVX network.
This enables almost unlimited potential for global inclusiveness.

Self-Funded, Fair Launch
Launched in 2016 with no pre-mine, PIVX is a true fair-launch cryptocurrency.
No ICO was held, making it community-driven from the start.

Dynamic Coin Supply Model
The PIVX coin supply changes dynamically based on transaction volume.
This is achieved through a fixed emission rate and fee burning.

Balanced Block Rewards
10 PIV per block is divided between stakers and masternodes; 4 PIV per stake and 6 PIV per masternode. An additional 10 PIV per block is allocated to the Treasury for funding proposals.

Deflationary Mechanism
Transaction fees are burned, creating a deflationary effect with increased network use. This offsets the tail emission, which decays towards 0% over time.

With its engineered economics and sustainable approach, PIVX aims to balance the needs of inflation and deflation, providing a scalable and resilient cryptocurrency network.


PIVX: Engineered for Sustainable Economics was originally published in PIVX on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Join the next Privacy Roundtable on X.

Join us for our next #PrivacyRoundtable with our friends Particl, Firo: Private cryptocurrency infrastructure and @BasicSwapDEX with guest speaker DouglasTuman host of MoneroTalk.

📅Date: April 24, ‘24

⏰Time: 9am EST/ 2pm UTC

📍Topic: Government and Private Cryptocurrency

Link for Privacy Roundtable Spaces event will be posted here and on Twitter soon.
See you there!

Join the next Privacy Roundtable on X. was originally published in PIVX on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

PIVX Champions The Future Of Digital Cash

PIVX is a Privacy Cryptocurrency Coin.
Privacy crypto coins are like digital cash that keeps your transactions private, hiding who sends money to whom and how much. They’re needed to protect your financial privacy from prying eyes, ensuring that your transactions remain confidential and secure.

We offer an ethically-minded choice for your private digital cash.
We have an easy-to-use wallet, self- funded community, opportunity for rewards, and we are relentless in our pursuit to be a 100% private crypto.

Join PIVX Today! /

PIVX Champions The Future Of Digital Cash was originally published in PIVX on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

PIVX Core Development Report — February 2024

PIVX Core Development Report — February 2024

During February, the PIVX development team accomplished several important updates and enhancements to the platform. Here are the key highlights:

[GUI] Remove unused addressbookpage references (PR #2893)
Description: Eliminated unnecessary references to the address book page in the graphical user interface (GUI), streamlining the codebase and improving efficiency.

[Core][GUI][RPC] Exchange Address (PR #2895)
Description: Implemented improvements to the exchange address functionality across the core, GUI, and RPC components, enhancing the overall user experience when dealing with exchange addresses.

[Build] Further security and symbol checking updates (PR #2896)
Description: Strengthened the security of the build process by introducing additional checks and symbol validation, ensuring a more secure and reliable build for the PIVX project.

Restore Mainnet ‘EXM’ Prefix (PR #2905)
Description: Fixed an issue where the Mainnet prefix for exchange addresses was not displaying correctly as ‘EXM.’ This pull request successfully restored the correct prefix, ensuring accurate representation of exchange addresses on the PIVX Mainnet.

Fix optional memo not being checked (PR #2906)
Description: Addressed a bug related to optional memos in transactions, ensuring that the system correctly validates their presence. This fix improved the accuracy and reliability of transaction processing.

[Core] Fix Exchange address activation (PR #2908)
Description: Enhanced the activation process for exchange addresses in the core of the PIVX project, resulting in a smoother and more efficient activation experience. Additionally, this update expanded the functionality of exchange addresses.

The PIVX development team remains committed to delivering continuous improvements and updates to enhance the performance, security, and usability of the PIVX platform. #PIVXDevsRock

PIVX Core Development Report — February 2024 was originally published in PIVX on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Experience the Future of Privacy Coins: PIVX — Sustainable, Self-Funded, and Scalable

Experience the Future of Privacy Coins: PIVX — Sustainable, Self-Funded, and Scalable

PIVX, the pioneering privacy coin, offers a sustainable economic model engineered for long-term balance between inflation and deflation. With a dynamic coin supply, low barrier to entry, and a true fair-launch (no ICO), PIVX empowers global inclusiveness and decentralization.

Key Highlights:

🔑 Self-Funded Masterpiece: Launched in 2016 with no pre-mine, PIVX is a genuine fair-launch coin.

💰 Dynamic Coin Supply: Transaction fees are burned, creating a deflationary effect with increased usage.

🌐 Global Accessibility: Low hardware costs and open participation foster worldwide inclusiveness.

🛡️ Advanced Privacy: Enjoy instant, shielded transactions globally with PIVX’s cutting-edge privacy features.

🔩 Robust Infrastructure: Scalable, decentralized, and resilient node infrastructure secures the network.

💎 Sustainable Balance: A tail emission and fixed block rewards maintain a long-term balance between inflation and deflation.

Join the PIVX revolution and experience the future of privacy coins today!

Experience the Future of Privacy Coins: PIVX — Sustainable, Self-Funded, and Scalable was originally published in PIVX on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.